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Detail page Torsion springs: T-16004L | Stainless steel Ø 0.4 x 1.6 x 20 mm / 0°

Scaled prices (Price group: J)

QuantitySingle price [EUR]
1 5.1600 EUR
2 3.6400 EUR
3 3.4700 EUR
7 2.4200 EUR
17 1.1500 EUR
37 0.8500 EUR
75 0.6800 EUR
125 0.4859 EUR
175 0.4196 EUR
250 0.3695 EUR
350 0.3536 EUR
450 0.3284 EUR
CAD image Torsion springs T-16004L

Technical Data

Formula symbolsValueUnitDescription
Material 1.4310 - Type of material
Coiling direction Left - Coiling direction
Leg position 0 degree Leg position when relaxed
alpha1 degree prestressed rotational angle
F1 N prestressed spring force
M1 Nmm torque by angle alpha1
alpha2 degree loaded rotational angle
F2 N loaded spring force
M2 Nmm torque by angle alpha2
alphah degree working rotational angle
d 0.4 mm Wire diameter
Di 1.6 mm inner coil diameter
Dd mm diameter of mandrel
LsH mm leg length of the lever leg
LsR mm leg length of the recumbent leg
Lk0 3.2 mm length of spring body
Ls 20 mm leg length
RH mm leverage
Mntol 2.1 Nmm (+/-) Tolerance maximum torque
Mn 7.54 Nmm maximum torque
alphan 81.73 degree maximum rotational angle
nt 7 pc. total number of coils
Ddmax 1.3 mm maximum possible mandrel diameter
Ddmin 1 mm Min. possible mandrel diameter
Ditol 0.08 mm (+/-) tolerance of inner coil diameter
Weight 0.0834 g weight of one spring
Price group J - price group

Country of origin: DE | Customs tariff number: 73202089

Product image - Torsion springs T-16004L

Product image - Torsion springs T-16004L

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