Gutekunst Federn offers electronic catalogs in various formats (BMECat 1.2, BMECat 2005, CIF, CSV and Excel).
Selection of electronic catalogues
Compile your electronic spring catalog below. Choose the desired format, language, catalog content and catalog type. Note that only the standard catalog type can be downloaded directly here. If you need an adapted spring catalogue, please contact Mr. Mugrauer on telephone (+49) 07123 960-146 or
Description of the electronic catalogues
With Gutekunst Federn's electronic product catalogue, you as a buyer have access to all the spring data from the catalogue. You can integrate the structured catalog data into your eProcurement solution and transfer it to your ordering process. Gutekunst supports various formats for electrical catalogues, such as BMECat, CIF, CSV, Excel. Import our spring catalog into your eProcurement system and use our current data in your administration system for the company's internal ordering process. For importing, we offer different formats to download. After registering in the spring shop, you put together the desired data individually.
BMECat 1.2 | BMECat 2005
BMECat is a standardized catalog exchange format.
BMEcat enables supplier catalogs to be transferred directly to the merchandise management system.
This makes it easy to exchange product data between business partners (e.g. supplier and customer).
BMEcat is structured in XML format and can be supplemented with customer-specific extensions.
CIF (Catalog Interchange Format)
The CIF (Catalog Interchange Format) is a standardized catalog exchange format.
The CIF enables supplier catalogs to be transferred directly to the merchandise management system.
This makes it easy to exchange product data between business partners (e.g. supplier and customer).
CSV (Comma Separated Values)
CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a text file for exchanging structured data.
The CSV format enables supplier catalogs to be transferred directly to the merchandise management system.
In order to read or import data in CSV format, a column separator and a field delimiter must be known. uses the column separator ";" (semicolon) and quotation marks " as field delimiters
Excel format is a file for exchanging structured data.
The Excel format enables supplier catalogs to be transferred directly to the merchandise management system.