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Welcome to Gutekunst Federn! Select below or in the menu Products the desired spring type and you can find the right spring at Gutekunst among 12600 catalog springs or individually made metal springs. If there is no suitable spring type, just send us via the question mark " ?" the desired spring data.

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Electronic product catalog of Gutekunst Federn ...
Gutekunst supports various formats for electronic product catalogs, such as BMECat, CIF, CSV and Excel. After registration in FEDERNSHOP you can download the ...
Find the right metal spring in five minutes ...
Your construction is almost finished and now you still need a suitable metal spring? No problem! At Gutekunst you can get almost every metal spring you need, either ...
Gutekunst Federn Videokanal auf YouTube ...
Gutekunst Federn presents its latest videos on In addition to the "compression spring design" construction video, we have put two other videos ...
Custom springs ...
Metal springs are used in many different applications. They can be large or small, dynamic or static, extremely resistant or designed for use under normal ...
our main applications
Spring catalog
Spring calculation
Spring inquiry
Springs information
OCI Punchout Catalog Data Interface - Theme: News | 2/1/2023 8:50:22 AM
OCI Punchout Catalog Data Interface
Open Catalog Interface (OCI) is an open and standardized catalog data interface for the exchange of catalog and order data ...
Electronic product catalog of Gutekunst Federn - Theme: News | 1/1/2023 12:35:08 PM
Electronic product catalog of Gutekunst Federn
With the electronic product catalog, you as a purchaser have direct access to all data from the Gutekunst spring catalog. ...
Shaped springs and flat springs - Theme: Products | 7/7/2024 3:56:03 PM
Shaped springs and flat springs
Shaped springs and flat springs are manufactured in any desired shape and function from spring steel sheet and spring steel ...
Conical compression springs - Theme: Products | 7/2/2024 10:27:28 AM
Conical compression springs
With conical compression springs, the diameter of the changes Design towards the ends, that is, gets bigger or smaller. They ...
Tension springs yard goods offer - Theme: Products | 6/23/2024 8:53:55 AM
Tension springs yard goods offer
Tension springs by the meter are tension spring strands without eyelets with a total length of 1000 mm. The tension springs ...
Types of stress compression springs - Theme: Knowledge | 6/9/2024 10:52:06 AM
Types of stress compression springs
Before interpreting the Compression spring It should basically be clarified whether the intended type of stress is static, ...
Stress-strain diagram spring steel - Theme: Knowledge | 5/12/2024 1:53:01 PM
Stress-strain diagram spring steel
The stress-strain diagram can be used to determine the static load capacity of spring steel. The stress-strain diagram shows ...
Calculate coil springs - Theme: Knowledge | 4/29/2024 12:46:30 PM
Calculate coil springs
Coil springs will be off Spring band steel produced. Spiral springs are coiled in a plane of the Archimedean spiral. The ...